About Us
What is VOAD
VOADs, or Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, are a humanitarian association of independent voluntary organizations that provide disaster services and are active in disaster relief. VOADs are a collaboration of nonprofit and community-based organizations, faith-based groups, and government agencies involved in both disaster response and recovery efforts. VOADs do not provide direct services but the VOAD partner organizations are ready to respond with services, resources, and volunteers to those who need assistance during a disaster and for many years after.
Marin VOAD provides coordination and collaboration of the individual disaster services, and it is this collaborative effort that helps avoid duplication of services while ensuring vulnerable and at-risk communities are assisted in a disaster.
Part of a Larger VOAD Network
Marin VOAD works closely with other local county VOADs and COADs (Community Organizations Active in Disaster) around the Bay Area and we are a member of the NorCal State VOAD which in turn is part of the National VOAD. Together, we make up a strong network of local, national, and international disaster service providers ready to respond in a disaster. The National VOAD has been in existence since 1970 – take a look at Celebrating 50 Years of National VOAD to learn more about the way VOADs work.
The benefit of the regional and state VOAD network is that we can rely on each other for help and assistance, sharing information, resources and best practices, as well as for general support. The larger national VOAD network benefits all local VOADs through the connection with national and international disaster service organizations that often come to a local disaster site to lend a hand. The coordination through the local VOAD is critical and establishes collaboration with the local government disaster response, avoiding duplication of services, and ensuring that no communities are overlooked.
Marin VOAD Mission
The mission of Marin VOAD is to foster effective service delivery to those affected by disasters in Marin through the collaboration of community agencies throughout the disaster cycle – preparedness, response, and recovery.
Marin VOAD helps to build community resiliency with disaster preparedness while ensuring a coordinated disaster response and recovery effort.
Marin VOAD is focused on achieving the following goals:
Guiding Principles
Get everyone to the table
VOADs get everyone to the table so they are all on the same page and well informed; they share what is going on, what is available, and what is needed.
Share information
Marin VOAD helps to exchange and disseminate information between government agencies and community-based organizations to ensure an effective disaster response effort.
Form partnerships
Marin VOAD serves as an advocate and liaison between community-based organizations and government agencies, ensuring that everyone comes together to work as a team to provide disaster relief resources and services and rebuild the community.
Plan delivery of resources
Marin VOAD organizations work together forming partnerships during a disaster response and Marin VOAD collaborates with government agencies making sure there are no duplication of services or overlooked or forgotten communities.